Connecting Vets – Interview with Three Leaders of Women Veteran’s Groups

Dr. Ellen Haring (Service Women’s Action Network), Dr. JoAnn Fisher (Women Veterans United Committee, Inc), and BriGette McCoy (Women Veteran's Social Justice Network) discuss their motivations behind a new initiative [...]

Connecting Vets – Interview with Three Leaders of Women Veteran’s Groups2019-07-04T18:20:22-07:00

Over 50 women veterans groups are meeting in Atlanta to form a new coalition

Women veterans are the quickest growing population of veterans, and they have specific needs that must be met. Now, a sort of “super group” of female-centric veteran organizations is forming [...]

Over 50 women veterans groups are meeting in Atlanta to form a new coalition2019-07-04T18:20:38-07:00

Journey to Normal

"Journey to Normal" is a soon-to-be-released ground breaking documentary that sheds light on the struggles of service women returning home from military deployments.

Journey to Normal2017-04-15T21:17:39-07:00

Congratulations 2015 Women Veteran Fellows!

We are excited to announce the 2015 cohort for SWAN's Women Veteran Fellowship in Leadership and Public Policy. We received many applications from women veterans from across the country who are inspired [...]

Congratulations 2015 Women Veteran Fellows!2017-04-15T21:17:40-07:00
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