Up to the Living
by J Elizabeth Sheriden ©2015
When the day comes, please tell them
How I fought for the red, white, and blue
That my copter was shot down by them
And how I dumped this part on you.
You never thought it would come
But alas it has now
Carry my casket down the road to home
Without explaining how.
Hand them each a portrait of me
In my dress blues wearing Captain’s bars
Because now for sure they’ll all see
me lain to rest. When I’m flying with the Stars.
They won’t remember the details
But you can fill them in
Screams from suffering Souls; smoke then fire in the tail.
Just start talking since you won’t know where to begin.
Oh, I know. Tell them about boot camp songs
On your left, right, left, right goes the cadence
Uphill, downhill, double time too, we all belong
On the same team finding experience.
Trainings the place you can get it wrong
But in the field, it’s strict obedience.
Tell them all that gather here
I did my best, hopefully saving the rest.
Each Marine I held near, so I could hear
How to tell their Mothers their stories best.
But I didn’t make it; it’s all up to you.
To tell their families how brave we were
Rogers and Smith and all the crew
Captain Harris, me, I’m the one causing a stir
Yelling orders until my last breath blew
First on! Last om That’s what I prefer.
On behalf of a grateful Nation
Here’s your folded flag
Your daughter, Ma’ am, never left her station.
She dragged her men out stag!
From the halls of Montezuma to the sands of Kandahar
I will fight my Country’s battles
Each time my courage will raise the bar
With nerves of steel that never rattle.
When they rise to leave and place their coin
Upon Old Glory draping my casket
Start the music and hands will join
March me out with help. Don’t be afraid to ask it.
I’m not here anymore
I’m guarding the gates of Heaven
Or sunbathing somewhere on its shore
The leader of the pack will be forgiven, forever more.