Journey to Normal
"Journey to Normal" is a soon-to-be-released ground breaking documentary that sheds light on the struggles of service women returning home from military deployments.
"Journey to Normal" is a soon-to-be-released ground breaking documentary that sheds light on the struggles of service women returning home from military deployments.
We are excited to announce the 2015 cohort for SWAN's Women Veteran Fellowship in Leadership and Public Policy. We received many applications from women veterans from across the country who are inspired leaders ready to make a difference for service women and women veterans. Nine participants have been selected this year. These are some of the most [...]
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) is pleased to present this unprecedented report: Women Veterans: The Long Journey Home, a comprehensive study of the many challenges women face when they leave military service.
This is the first blog we've ever posted. Whew! As the Founder of Outreach And Resource Services (OARS) for Women Veterans, it is my great honor to welcome all you women of the Armed Forces of the United States to our site. We hope you will come to know each other as members, network together, join the [...]