This is the first blog we’ve ever posted. Whew! As the Founder of Outreach And Resource Services (OARS) for Women Veterans, it is my great honor to welcome all you women of the Armed Forces of the United States to our site. We hope you will come to know each other as members, network together, join the women veterans service groups of which we inform you, and thrive in your post military civilian lives.
Please excuse any errors as I am, we are very new at this. The only websites/blogs out there for us are few and far between. We hope to change that greatly in our next few years with your continued help and support.
What does it mean to be a woman veteran? I mean, really why all the fuss? After all, we are all women who are also people who served our great Nation for the protection and peace of the American people. But it really is more than that.
We served as “Volunteers.” We have never been drafted. Each of you chose to enter the military. You may now look back with another opinion of your “glory” days, and wonder why you did it.
But I never want you to regret your decision.
What you did, what I did, was for PEACE. If we are not on the line then how can we assure Americans of the peace we all must have. We have a good country. We have good people in it who really do appreciate what we did, even though sometimes we wonder about the accuracy of that statement. Please know that what you did really matters. It really did matter.
Please look for more posts.
Your Founder and Friend, Julia Sheriden, welcomes you to the Outreach And Resource Services (OARS) for Women Veterans.